Dutch Heritage Fuels North Dakota's Only On-Farm Creamery

North Dakota, the land of sprawling farms and bountiful agriculture, is home to an exceptional gem–the only on-farm creamery in the state. This unique establishment, located just outside of Carrington, offers visitors a taste of pure authenticity and a glimpse into the heart of dairy farming. So who was the visionary behind this endeavor? The one and only Maartje Murphy.

As Dutch immigrants, Maartje and her family wanted to celebrate their culture and bring a taste of the Netherlands to the people of North Dakota. Specializing in making Gouda cheese, they have successfully captured the essence of their heritage and have become pioneers in introducing this beloved cheese variety in their community.

From Nursing to Gelato

Maartje's journey to becoming the creamery's proud owner and gelato artisan was certainly unexpected. Raised in a farming family, Maartje initially pursued a career in nursing. However, her heart yearned to honor her Dutch heritage, where she recalls lots of on-farm creameries and enjoying a fresh scoop of gelato on her grandparents' patio–a feeling so good, she wants everyone to be able to experience it. Serendipity struck when Maartje's mother sent her a text about a Gelato University in Italy that also offered courses in the United States.

Inspired and eager to explore this newfound passion, Maartje and her mother attended the Gelato University in Chicago. At this immersive experience, they fell in love with the art of crafting gelato, which opened the door to their entrepreneurial aspirations.

A Dream Takes Shape

Deeply inspired by her family's dedication to taking good care of their dairy cows and producing high-quality milk, Maartje embarked on a mission to pay tribute to their legacy by crafting high-quality dairy products. The business started in her parent’s garage where Maartje used whole milk from her family's dairy cows to produce artisan gelato, called Duchessa Gelato. The business outgrew the garage space when Maartje and her husband seized the opportunity to purchase a farmstead close to the dairy farm. They transformed a machine shed into a fully-equipped processing facility that now boasts a cheese and gelato production room, an aging room for Gouda cheese, a commercial kitchen, and a charming café. This modern space is not only where their gelato is made, but also where visitors can sit on the patio, taking in the picturesque views while observing the cheese and gelato-making process. Visitors also have the chance to visit the family’s dairy operation and get a firsthand tour of modern dairy practices.

Farm-to-Spoon Goodness

 Maartje firmly believes in commitment to quality and authenticity. She maintains a remarkable level of control over their ingredients, sourcing locally as much as possible. With their own cows providing the whole milk, they ensure their gelato is made with the freshest, creamiest base possible. Fruit sauces, baked goods, and even imported ingredients from Italy and the Netherlands/Belgium further enhance the flavor profiles of their gelato offerings.

Sharing the Journey

Their commitment to maintaining a personal connection with their customers led Maartje to create an on-farm store. Renovating the old barn's milkhouse, they invite visitors to purchase their delectable products, including gelato, cheese, candles, and tea towels. The store operates on the honor system, allowing visitors to pay for their purchases by placing cash, card, or check in a designated box.

The only on-farm creamery in North Dakota stands as a testament to perseverance, passion, and a deep-rooted love for the farming heritage. Maartje's journey from nursing to gelato artisan exemplifies the transformative power of following one's dreams and honoring family roots. As visitors stroll through the picturesque fields, sample handcrafted gelato, and witness the love and dedication that go into every scoop, they gain a deeper appreciation for the on-farm creamery's commitment to quality, authenticity, and community.

So, whether you're a connoisseur of delectable gelato or simply seeking a delightful adventure, don't miss the opportunity to experience the magic of North Dakota's only on-farm creamery just outside of Carrington. Indulge in a mouthwatering scoop, breathe in the fresh air, and let your taste buds be captivated by the flavors of the heartland.

The Only On-Farm Creamery in ND

Hear Maartje tell her story firsthand.


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